8 – 10 NOVEMBER 2024
Harvard ~ The 2024 Islamic Finance Conference (IFC) “Values in Value Creation: Revisiting the Rules of Global Business”.
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18 JULY 2024
Malta ~ Alberto Brugnoni runs a seminar at the ‘Malta Financial Services Authority’ headquarters themed ‘Introduction to the Islamic Capital Markets: the Sukuk’.
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5 & 6 JUNE 2024
London ~ Alberto Brugnoni invited to attend the “2024 SOAS-QFC Public Lecture & Workshop on Islamic Finance”.
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19 April 2024
Malta ~ Alberto Brugnoni runs a on-line seminar on ”Islamic Finance: an Introduction to Sukuk” at the University of Malta.
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26 & 27 FEBRUARY 2024
Milan ~ Università Cattolica / ASERI: Alberto Brugnoni runs a 2-day seminar on the Islamic eco-system and Islamic finance.
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2 – 3 OCTOBER 2023
Kazan ~ Alberto Brugnoni to speak at the ‘Islamic Finance – opportunities and prospects for growth and innovation’ seminar on the two-year Islamic banking pilot programme that will take place in the four Muslim-majority republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya and Dagestan.
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8 & 9 FEBRUARY 2023
Milan ~ Università Cattolica / ASERI: Alberto Brugnoni runs a 2-day seminar on ‘Islamic Finance : from Principles to Practice’.
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