Trapani ~ Alberto Brugnoni online participates to the GAL ELIMOS in-person event ‘Presentazione del Masterplan sul turismo esperienziale e sostenibile’.
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12 & 19 FEBRUARY 2022
Rome ~ LUISS / MISLAM master: Alberto Brugnoni runs a 2-day seminar themed ‘Islamic Finance & Economics : an Eco-System Aiming at Sustainability’.
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13 – 15 OCTOBER 2021
Turin ~ 5th Turin Islamic Economic Forum (TIEF 2021) organized by Città di Torino, Camera di Commercio, Università and ASSAIF.
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1 – 17 FEBRUARY 2021
Milan ~ Università Cattolica / ASERI: Alberto Brugnoni runs a 6-day course on ‘Islamic Finance & Economics’ with professor Ersilia Francesca.
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23 & 30 JANUARY 2021
Rome ~ LUISS / MISLAM master: Alberto Brugnoni runs a 2-day on line seminar themed “Product development and the issue of money in Islamic finance”.
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17 DECEMBER 2020
Naples ~ Alberto Brugnoni runs a web Q&A talk on ‘La finanza islamica in Italia’ at the Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, the oldest school of Sinology and Oriental Studies on the European continent.
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