21 FEBRUARY 2011
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni runs a seminar on Islamic finance with ‘Gruppo Buone Prassi Internazionali’ at BancaProssima (Banca Intesa group.
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28 JANUARY 2011
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni speaks at the seminar on ‘Prospettive sul Takaful’ organized by the ‘Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici’ (ANIA).
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20 JANUARY 2011
London ~ Alberto Brugnoni invited to the seminar ‘Islamic Finance: A Developing Market’ organized by Norton Rose.
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10 JANUARY 2011
Rome ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the closed-doors meeting at the Associazione Bancaria Italiana on Islamic Finance.
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15 DECEMBER 2010
Moscow ~ Alberto Brugnoni gives a lecture at the ‘Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation’.
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14 DECEMBER 2010
Moscow ~ Alberto Brugnoni speaks at the conference ‘Islamic finance: potential for development in Russia’.
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