31 MARCH 2010
London ~ Alberto Brugnoni invitated the the launch of the UK Islamic Finance Secretariat.
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30 – 31 MARCH 2010
Toronto ~ Alberto Brugnoni speaks at the ‘UFANA North America 2010 Conference – The growth and potential of Islamic Finance’.
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27 – 28 MARCH 2010
Harvard ~ Alberto Brugnoni invitated to the Ninth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance themed “Building Bridges across Financial Communities”.
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24 – 27 MARCH 2010
Florence ~ Alberto Brugnoni contributes a paper on SWFs for the workshop on ‘The Evolving International Role of the GCC Economics’ organized by the European University Institute.
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12 MARCH 2010
Nantes ~ M. Amato, A. Brugnoni, L. Fantacci organize the seminar ‘Finance without interest’ at the ‘Institut d’etudes avancées’.
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6 MARCH 2010
London ~ Alberto Brugnoni invitated to the “4th UK session of the Scholar Professional Development programme”.
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