24 NOVEMBER 2009
Rome ~ Parliamentary question on the need of a new regulatory framework to facilitate the development of Islamic finance in Italy.
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18 – 19 NOVEMBER 2009
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni member of the professional organising committee of the conference “Moral Values and Financial Markets: Assessing The Resilience of Islamic Finance Against Financial Crisis”.
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16 NOVEMBER 2009
London ~ Presentation of ‘Keeping London at the forefront of Islamic Finance’ ‘to the Conservative Shadow Treasury Team.
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11 NOVEMBER 2009
Rome ~ Banca d’Italia ‘Seminar on Islamic Finance’ opened by Mario Draghi, Governor Banca d’Italia.
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11 NOVEMBER 2009
Tokyo ~ “Islamic Finance Symposium 2009 – Islamic Finance amid Global Financial Turmoil – Its implications for Japan”.
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London ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the presentation of ‘The Art of Integration by Peter Sanders – Celebrating the social, economic & cultural contribution of Britain’s Muslim community’ with the Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor Jack Straw.
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