3 APRIL 2004
Firenze ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the workshop ‘Monete locali – RES e DES’ held at ‘Terra Futura’.
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18 – 19 MARCH 2004
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the transnational mainstreaming conference “Networks : social and economic value” organized by EQUAL Agenzia di Cittadinanza.
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15 MARCH 2004
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the conference: ‘Responsabilità sociale : un’opportunità per la piccola impresa’.
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1 MARCH 2004
Turin ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the conference on ‘Finanza etica e sviluppo locale sostenibile’.
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31 JANUARY 2004
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the workshop ‘La valutazione socio-ambientale. Dove siamo arrivati, verso dove vogliamo proseguire e come’.
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22 NOVEMBER 2003
Bologna ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the ‘3a giornata nazionale della finanza etica e solidale’ themed ‘La finanza etica per l’ambiente’.
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9 JULY 2003
Milan ~ Alberto Brugnoni to attend the conference : ‘Responsabilità sociale di impresa : credere, misurare, agire’.
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