Mahmoud Mohieldin, “Financial Stability – The Role of Islamic Finance“, World Bank
Emad Al Monayea, “Selecting the Right Business Model in Islamic Banking“, KFH
Bank Islam, “Specifc Risk Issues for Islamic Banks“
Kazi Abdul Muktadir, “Banking Business Model Options – Spectrum of Supervisory Approach“, State Bank of Pakistan
Jaseem Ahmed, “Assessing the Regulatory Impacts with Respect to the Current Islamic Banking Business Model“, IFSB
Adnan Chilwan, “Developing an Efficient Cross-Border Liquidity Management – Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead“, Dubai Islamic Bank
Riawan Amin, “The Celestial Management“
Hussam Saif, “Required Building Blocks in Enhancing Cross-Border Liquidity Management“, Khaleeji Commercial Bank
Bursa Malaysia, “Islamic Capital Market – Liquidity Management“
Ja’afar Rihan, “Adding Liquidity to Islamic Money Market – Alternative Instruments“
Mohammad Khairi Saat, “Development of Alternative Liquidity Management Instrument“, al-Rajhi Bank
Ijlal Alvi, “Collateralized Murabaha & Tri‐Party Arrangement =An Islamic Market Unification Initiative“, IIFM
Kazi Abdul Muktadir, “Role of Regulation and Supervision Setting an Enabling Environment for Islamic Microfinance“
“Successful Islamic Microfinance Model- Insights into Latest Market Development – Info Kit“
Abdul Halim Fadlallah, “The Effect of Islamic Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation = A Look into Few International Experiences“
Mohammed Obaidullah, “Successful Microtakaful Schemes and Operations“, IRTI
Abdoul Azize Attoumane, “Examining Government Initiatives and Drivers for Increasing Financial Inclusion“, AFI
Zakariya Othman, “Financial Inclusion = The Ratings Perspective“, RAM
Baljeet Kaur Grewal, “Introductory Session & GIFF Report“, KFH
“Khazanah RMB Sukuk“
Sufian Creui, “Nomura Holdings Incorporated’s Commodity Murabaha Facility“, Nomura
Gregory Man, “A Unique Sukuk Al-Ijarah Restructuring – The Nakheel Example“, Clifford Chance
Aurobindo Ponniah, “Common Cross-Border Taxation Issues in Islamic Finance“, IBFD
PWC, “Common Cross-Border Taxation Issues in Islamic Finance“
Edward Barret, “Common Cross-Border Taxation Issues in Islamic Finance“, OECD
“Building Blocks for Cross-Border Flows“, Gatehouse
PWC, “Indonesia Taxation Landscape on Islamic Cross-Border Financing“
Sam Chay, “Building Blocks for Cross-Border Flows“, CIMB
Mohammed Amin, “Case Study on Cross-Border Tax Treatment for Islamic Finance Transactions in the MENA Countries“
Mohammed Amin, “What’s Next for International Tax Policy“
Bursa Malaysia, “The Use of Commodities in Islamic Finance“
Mohamad Sanuri Shahid, “Plantation Industries and Commodities in Malaysia“
Rismansyah Danasaputra, “Indonesian Plantation Development Policy“
Hong Leong, “The Contribution of Islamic Finance in the Malaysian Palm Oil Sector“
Yuslam Fauzi, “Potential, Challenge, and Strategy on Plantation Financing, Bank Syariah Mandiri“
Masato Nakamura, “Islamic Project Finance = The Way for Oil & Gas“, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
Abdul Aziz Abu Bakar, “Opportunities in Aviation Sector for Islamic Finance“, Malaysian Airline
“Ireland, Transportation & Aviation“
Ahmad Tajudin, “Government Financing“, BankIslam
Md Khairuddin Arshad, “Islamic Deposit Insurance“, PIDM
Jaseem Ahmed, “Impact of Basel III on Regulatory Standards and Effect on Cross-Border Activities“, IFSB
Juan-Carlos Crisanto, “The Work of the Basel Committee“, BIS
Ali Al Amari, “Impact on Basel III in Banks“, Qatar Financial Centre
Peter Casey, “Regulators’ expectations in Takaful“
Presentation 1- Saiful Yazan Ahmad, “Wealth Management“, EHSAN
Presentation 2- “Retirement Plan“, HSBC-AMANA
Presentation 3- Azim Mithani, “Medical and Health Takaful“, Prudential BSN
Marcel Omar Papp, “Becoming a Large and Specialised Risks (LSR) (Re) Takaful Operator“, SwissRe
Toshihiko Matsunaga, “A Greater Role for Islamic Finance in the Global Economy“, NOMURA
Chung Chee Leong, “Sukuk – The Value Proposition“, CAGAMAS
Trevor Persaud, “Islamic Fund Management“, Russell Investments
Maznah Mahbob, “Shariah Strategy Innovations“, AmIslamic
“Listing of Islamic Exchange Traded Fund“, I-vcap
Jerry Koh, “Business Trusts – A New Legal Vehicle and Asset Class“
Shamsiah Abdul Karim, “Contemporary Investment and Development of Waqf Assets in Singapore“
Jamil Ramly, “Working Capital and Trade Financing – Practical Case Study for SMEs Financing“, IBFIM
1.0 “Executive Summary“
2.1 “An Overview of the Islamic Finance Industry“
2.2 “Islamic Finance Segment“
2.3 “Islamic Finance System and Financial Stability“
3.0 “The Islamic Finance Centres Competitive Review“
4.0 “Country Guide“
5.0 “Islamic Finance Directory“
“Appendix – Methodology“