Mohammad Farrukh Raza, “The development of the Islamic Finance in the UK“, IFAAS
Rabel Akhund, “The rise of the Islamic Finance in the UK“, Taylor Wessing
Dalton H. Garis, “Qur’anic Economics focuses on production imperatives“, The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Mehmet Asutay, “Impact Of Politics On The Underdevelopment Of Islamic Finance In Turkey“, Durham University, UK
Michael Baldwin, “Turkey at A Crossroads“, D’Arblay Ltd., Turkey
Alisher Ali Djumanov, “Islamic Finance And Investment Opportunities In Central Asia“, Eurasia Capital Management
Fehmy Saddy, “Transformation of Middle East Investment Strategies = Looking At Destination Latin America“, FS International Partners, Switzerland
Hamza Farooqui, “Islamic Finance = The African Story“, CII Holdings South Africa
Omar Sheikh, “Uniqueness And Diversity Of The African Market – The Kenya Experience In Islamic Banking“, Barclays Bank of Kenya
Mohammad Shaheed Khan, “Bond and Suuk“, Islamic Finance Co., UAE
Samad Sirohey, “New Sectors And Markets For Sukuk Issuance = Identifying The Challenges And Opportunities“, Citi Islamic, UAE
Volker Nienhaus, “Takaful between Profit and Solidarity = Regulatory Perspectives“, University of Marburg, Germany
Mohammed Daud Bakar, “Islamic Jurisprudence = Principles-based or Rules-based“, Amanie Islamic Finance Learning Centre
Baljeet Kaur Grewal, “Global Economic And Investment Outlook = Confronting The Challenges And Unlocking The Opportunities“, KFH, Malaysia
Furqan Ahmad, “Productd development“, ADCB Meethaq – Islamic Banking, UAE
Omar Kalair, “Canada A New Destination for Shari ‘ah Compliant Assets“, UM Financial, Canada
Alberto Brugnoni, “Ancient Values Creeping back into the European economy“, ASSAIF Italy
Majid Dawood, “Sustainability = The Greening of Islamic Finance“, Yasaar, UAE