SESSION 5 Etsuaki Yoshida, “Connecting Africa to the World of Islamic Finance“
SESSION 6 Suleiman Walhad, “Meeting Africa Infrastructure Needs Islamic Banking as an Alternative Sources of Financing“
SESSION 7 Bariq R. Abdoulkader, “Capturing the Africa Opportunity“
SESSION 7 Bachir Farah Badar, “Shariah Compliant Crowdfunding“
SESSION 8 Abdel Gadir Warsama Ghalib, “Building Local Depth and Improving International Harmonization“
SESSION 11 Mahdi Mohamed Djama, “La micro finance islamique à Djibouti“
SESSION 12 Abdel Gadir Warsama Ghalib, “Shariah Debate = Deeping the pool of available Shariah scholars in Africa“
SESSION 13 Halima Saadia, “Islamic Products = Opportunities in Africa“